So, we have the words and the count of occurrence of each word in some sort of a collection, Map or whatever you want to call it in your programming language. Figure out the weight of the words, it would be the count of occurrence of a word in the supplied text. (on the GUI, ask for word replacements from the user) Remove any specific words that you do not want to include or replace with other words. In the world of text mining, you call it text stemming and there are out of the box packages in Python and R to do so, so no need to worry. You might also want to change words into its root form, for example “removed” and “removing” can be counted as “remove” in the word cloud, just an example. Remove numbers and punctuation from the words. Remove stop words, change case of the words, remove white space (you can give a configuration on the GUI, if planning to create GUI based tool).
Remove the special characters from the text and replace simply with spaces. Convert text into structured data, in R you would load data as a corpus. Load the text file into your program from a local machine or from a web URL (For GUI, this translates to Select a text file or provide a URL Reference etc.). You can skip the below steps and go straight to the Python word cloud package or JavaScript word cloud library, there is a word cloud module in R as well that can be used. If you want to build a complete GUI to generate word clouds, then keep fields on the GUI to grab the configuration details related to each of the below steps, and/or for any more features that you would like to add – #WORD CLOUD GENERATOR ONLINE CODE#
So, you have decided to create a word cloud or rather develop a piece of code to create word clouds, let us start off with the basic steps to follow before we get into available packages and code in R, Python and JavaScript.
How to Create Word Cloud in Python, JavaScript and other programming languages? The key focus would be on the concepts only, you do the coding in the programming language of your choice, we will refer you to the right tutorials. We will look at various existing packages in Python, R, JavaScript and Java that can be used, out of the box, to create word clouds, we are also going to talk about how a word cloud tool can be built, grounds up, from scratch. Read on if you are a programmer and plan to build your own Python word cloud, JavaScript word cloud or word cloud in any other programming language. If you are not a programmer and simply looking for ready to use online word cloud tools, then we have this article that lists the 10 best word cloud generators to create word clouds of all types – best word cloud generator.
You can supply the text and do configuration around style, size, color, shape, output format and much more. Word clouds have seen an unprecedented popularity in the recent past, and for that reason, there are many word cloud generators out there in the wild that offer very sophisticated GUI and let you create jazzy word clouds.